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In recent years, a significant debate has emerged around the use of triclosan, a common antimicrobial agent found in various personal care products, particularly in soaps and hand sanitisers. Triclosan’s effectiveness in killing bacteria and preventing the spread of infections has made it a popular ingredient in household products. However, mounting evidence suggests that its widespread and long-term use may contribute to a concerning issue – antibiotic resistance. 

In this blog post, we will delve into the triclosan controversy, explore its potential impact on antibiotic resistance, and discuss possible alternatives for a healthier future.

Understanding Triclosan:

Triclosan, first introduced in the 1960s, quickly became ubiquitous in consumer products due to its potent antibacterial properties. It was initially used in healthcare settings to reduce infection rates, but its use expanded into everyday household items like soaps, toothpaste, and deodorants. The appeal of triclosan lies in its ability to combat bacteria and other microbes, giving consumers a sense of enhanced protection against harmful germs.

How Safe Is Triclosan?

Some animal studies conducted in the short term have revealed a correlation between high doses of triclosan exposure and a decrease in certain thyroid hormone levels. However, the implications of these findings on human health remain uncertain. Other research has suggested the possibility that triclosan exposure could contribute to antibiotic resistance in bacteria. Yet, we currently lack sufficient information to accurately assess the level of risk that triclosan poses concerning antibiotic resistance development.

In December 2017, the FDA introduced a conclusive regulation concerning specific over-the-counter healthcare antiseptic products.[2]

Additional studies are currently underway to investigate the safety of triclosan further. One such study is exploring the potential link between long-term triclosan exposure in animals and the development of skin cancer. Another study is examining the breakdown of triclosan into other chemicals on human skin following exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. As of now, both of these studies have not been completed.[1]

The Controversy

The controversy surrounding triclosan revolves around two key issues: its efficacy and potential health and environmental risks. Let’s take a closer look at each of these aspects.


While triclosan has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing bacterial growth in controlled settings, its practical benefits in household products are questionable. Studies suggest that regular use of triclosan-containing soaps does not offer any significant advantages over traditional soap and water in preventing illness. In fact, the overuse of triclosan might even contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Health and Environmental Risks: 

Concerns have been raised about the potential health risks associated with triclosan exposure. Some studies have linked triclosan to endocrine disruption, leading to potential hormonal imbalances. 

Triclosan, according to a recent study in Science Translational Medicine, alters gut microbiota and contributes to colon inflammation in mice. The research team fed the mice relatively low doses of triclosan, leading to blood concentrations comparable to human exposure. Additionally, triclosan exposure increased tumour size and number in mice with colon cancer. These findings emphasize the need for further research on the effects of triclosan on human health, especially given its potential links to inflammation and antibiotic resistance.[2]

Studies on the health effects of triclosan indicate that it is endocrine (hormonally) active and has the potential to affect the liver, blood, thyroid, and reproductive systems.[3]

Additionally, its widespread use has led to the presence of triclosan in water sources, which may harm aquatic life and impact ecosystems.

Triclosan is not expected to move through soil or volatilize from soil or water surfaces based on available data. In aquatic environments, it is anticipated to bind to suspended solids and sediments, potentially leading to bioaccumulation, which may pose a concern for aquatic organisms. Studies indicate a low-to-moderate potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms, and aerobic biodegradation is a major and efficient degradation pathway. Triclosan has been detected in various U.S. streams, primarily due to contributions from activated sludge wastewater treatment plants, trickle-down filtration, and sewage overflow. EPA’s risk assessment suggests that triclosan levels did not exceed levels of concern for fish but were exceeded for aquatic plants. However, estimated concentrations of triclosan in surface water from consumer uses (e.g., triclosan-treated plastic and textile items) do not raise concerns for acute risks to aquatic organisms and plants. Overall, the Agency concludes that triclosan’s antimicrobial uses in households are unlikely to significantly contribute to its presence in household wastewater and surface water.[5]

The Impact on Antibiotic Resistance

One of the most alarming consequences of triclosan usage is its potential role in the development of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria evolve and become resistant to the effects of antibiotics, rendering these drugs ineffective in treating bacterial infections. Triclosan’s constant presence in personal care products means that bacteria are frequently exposed to low doses of this chemical, providing an environment for them to adapt and develop resistance mechanisms.

A study reveals that short-term triclosan exposure in vitro increases triclosan resistance in susceptible E. coli isolates.[4]  After acquiring resistance, these strains may present MDR or cross-resistance phenotypes. MDR refers to the phenomenon where bacteria become resistant to multiple types of antimicrobial agents, not just triclosan. This poses a significant problem in clinical settings as it limits the options for treating bacterial infections, making them more difficult to manage and potentially leading to treatment failure.

Moreover, triclosan resistance mainly involves the overexpression of fabI and efflux pumps in E. coli isolates. FabI is an enzyme in E. coli that plays a vital role in the synthesis of fatty acids, which are essential components of the bacterial cell membrane. Triclosan targets and inhibits FabI, disrupting fatty acid synthesis and thereby exerting its antimicrobial effect. However, when E. coli overexpresses fabI, it can reduce the effectiveness of triclosan, leading to resistance. Additionally, efflux pumps are specialized transport proteins found in bacterial cells that can pump out foreign substances, including antimicrobial agents, to protect the bacteria from their effects. In triclosan resistance, E. coli isolates increase the expression of efflux pumps, enabling them to expel triclosan from their cells, reducing its concentration and diminishing its antimicrobial action.

Moreover, triclosan and some antibiotics share similar chemical structures, which means that bacteria resistant to triclosan may also exhibit cross-resistance to certain antibiotics. This phenomenon, known as co-resistance, further exacerbates the global antibiotic resistance crisis, making it increasingly challenging to treat common infections.

The Way Forward: Seeking Safer Alternatives

To address the triclosan controversy and combat the growing threat of antibiotic resistance, various stakeholders need to take action:

  • Consumer Awareness: 
  • Educating the public about the limited benefits of triclosan-containing products and promoting proper handwashing techniques can reduce reliance on antimicrobial agents in everyday life.
  • Regulatory Measures:
  •  Governments should consider imposing restrictions on the use of triclosan in consumer products, focusing on safer alternatives that have been thoroughly tested for both efficacy and safety.
  • Product Innovation: 
  • The personal care industry should invest in research and development to find innovative and safe alternatives to triclosan that are equally effective in combating harmful bacteria.


The triclosan controversy highlights the need for caution when using antimicrobial agents in consumer products. While triclosan’s efficacy in killing bacteria is evident, its practical benefits over traditional soap and water are uncertain. Moreover, the potential risks it poses to human health and the environment, including antibiotic resistance development and impacts on aquatic life, cannot be ignored.

To mitigate these concerns, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Consumers should be educated about the limited benefits of triclosan-containing products and encouraged to adopt proper handwashing techniques as a safer alternative. Regulatory bodies should consider imposing restrictions on triclosan use in consumer products and promote the adoption of safer alternatives. The personal care industry should invest in research and development to find effective and safe alternatives to triclosan that do not pose similar risks.

By taking these actions, we can work towards a healthier future, reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance, protecting human health, and preserving the environment. As new research emerges, it is crucial to stay informed and adapt our practices accordingly to ensure the responsible use of antimicrobial agents in personal care products.


  1. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/5-things-know-about-triclosan
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/why-triclosan-is-in-toothpaste-not-bodywash
  3. https://www.health.state.mn.us/communities/environment/risk/docs/guidance/dwec/triclosaninfo.pdf
  4. https://aricjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13756-020-00823-5
  5. https://archive.epa.gov/pesticides/reregistration/web/html/triclosan_fs.html